Thursday, March 28, 2013

Ode on a Woman Who Worked on the Set of MASH

Here's a poem that I wrote because I was just playing with pairs of words that are like "a bet" and "abet." It ended up sounding kinda pretentious, but it's not meant to mean anything. Let me know if you can think of any word pairs like that so I can write more.

Annette Was Caught in a Net

She arose from the garden with a rose,
A ray of sunlight on its array.
But a part of it had broken apart,
So she found a way to throw it away.

She arose anew with a new rose.
And found a jar that was ajar.
But yearned for a more ideal amour
For a Farr, Jaime, who was afar.

A lay whose joy would not allay --
They had a go so long ago.
A door to life she could adore
A glow that stayed aglow.

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